diet consultation

  1. Personalized diet
  2. Mindful Eating
  3. Whole Food Focus
  4. Weight Loss/ Gain Diet
  5. Ayurveda Eating rules
  6. Ayurvedic diet recipes

“Let food be your medicine, let medicine be your food” – Hippocrates Sometimes, a balanced diet is the best medicine for a healthy life. Diet plays an important role in any Ayurveda theory, restriction or modification of which could help in cure/prevention of any disease in question.According to the Panchabhoota theory in Ayurveda, an ideal Ayurveda diet not only nourishes the body but aims at restoring the balance of the ‘Tridoshas’ (Vatta, Pitta and Kapha), thus maintaining the perfect harmony in your body. While a proper diet plays a crucial role behind a healthy life, it remains all the more important to have the diet in accordance with one’s constitution. Diet according to Disease, Prakriti, Age, Mind, Different phases of life like infants, growing age, Menstruation, Pregnancy,Lactation, Menopause, Old age, etc is area of proficiency for us.