garbha sanskar

Garbh Sanskar involves a traditional diet planning, yoga, music, and behavioural suggestions that help create a positive atmosphere around the mother.Helps in the baby’s growth and development, Fit mother and child,Improves mother child bond,Minimizes Complications During Child Birth, helps mother to return her normal figure etc

The word garbh in sanskrit refers to foetus in the womb, and sanskar means education of the mind. So, garbh sanskar translates into the process of developing the mind and body of unborn baby. It is traditionally believed that a child’s mental and behavioral development starts in the womb as it can be influenced by the mother’s emotional state while she carries the baby.

References to garbh sanskar can be found in ancient Hindu Puranas and the Vedas. But the practice is not limited to India alone (stories of how garbh sanskar had a very positive effect on mythological characters like abhimanyu, astabakra and prahlad who were enlightened in their mother’s womb.

). Different cultures around the world encourage nurturing the bond between the mother and the growing baby, which is similar to the concept of ‘education in the womb’. Mothers in western countries often listen to classical music like that of maestros like mozart to make their child ‘unbelievably smart’.

Modern studies have proved that a foetus can respond to external stimulus. In fact, the hormonal secretions activated by the mother’s thoughts can also impact the baby in her womb.

Thus while garbh sanskar is believed to benefits the baby, it is not focused solely on the child. These practices ensure that the mother is healthy and in a positive state of mind. Activities such as changes in diet and life style are recommended to pregnant women through the practice of garbh sanskar.

When to start Garbh Sanskar while pregnant

Garbh sanskar is not only about the care taken during pregnancy, but about starting preparations at least a year before conception.
Garbh sanskar covers pre- pregnancy, pregnancy as well as the breastfeeding phase, guiding parents until the child is about 2 years old..

Garbh Sanskar activities for pregnant women

According to Ayurved, Garbh Sanskar is one of the best ways to give birth to a healthy baby. It’s all about the mother maintaining a sound state of mind, not only mentally, but physically, emotionally and spiritually as well. Ayurvedic garbh sanskar suggests certain guidelines to keep in mind for the pregnant mother. These include:

·       Healthy eating habits
·       Thinking care
·       Pregnancy yoga
·       Meditation
·       Universal Prayer
·       Listening to Sholkas, music which brings peace to mind
·       Reading calming or spiritual books
·       Channeling  creativity
  • Monthly Ayurveda medicines
  • Pregnancy Panchakarmakarma

Garbh Sanskar

Helps in the baby’s physical, mental and spiritual growth and development, Improves mother child bond, Minimizes Complications During Child Birth, helps  mother to return her normal shape after delivery, Helps in post natal phase as well.

