What is Panchakarma?

Panchakarma is the most famous detoxification process of Ayurveda, restoring health. Pancha in Sanskrit means “five,” and karma means “action” and refers to five different purifying and rejuvenating procedures in Ayurveda which balancing the three doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha for long lasting health benefits.

Who can do Panchakarma?

When it was initially designed 5000 thousand  years ago, there weren’t as many causes for unhealthy accumulations in the body, but it was still necessary to create this sophisticated panchakarma detox program. Today, as improper diet, stress, and environmental hazards abound, panchakarma can be of great help.

Every adult can take benefit of it for Mind and Body Purification with proper consultation from expert.

Children, Pregnant ladies, new mothers and elderly persons can too make it out in needs.

So any healthy person and unhealthy person can be benefited with health restoration and rejuvenation through Panchakarma.

When it can be done?

According to Disease conditions, Season changes and Life stages these procedures are suggested. Healthy person can do it in every season.

How to get started?

There are three main components of the panchakarma process:

  • Purvakarma: Pre-purification Measures
  • Principal procedures (pradhana karma)
  • Post-therapy procedures (paschat karma)


In this treatment, a patient is given inside and outside oleation and fomentation treatments for few days which includes therapies and some ayurvedic medicine, the toxins get melted and accumulate in upper cavities of body, the patient is given emetic medicines and decoction. This enables vomiting and helps in disposing of the poisons from the body tissues. Vaman treatment is particularly suggested basically for Kapha-dominated conditions, such as weight gain, asthma Allergies, Vitiligo, Psoriasis, hyperacidity etc.


In virechan, purgation or disposal of toxins happens through the clearing of the bowels. In this treatment too, the patient is given inside and outside oleation and fomentation treatments. From that point onward, the patient is given a natural purgative to encourage clearing of the guts that aid in purifying the body of toxins. Virechan treatment is prescribed fundamentally for Pitta dominated conditions, such as herpes zoster, Jaundice, celiac infection, Skin diseases, Pitta disorders, Gastric diseases, Obesity etc


Managing medicated substances through enema is Ayurveda’s exceptional commitment to the therapeutic world. The treatment has huge advantages, particularly in convoluted and chronic diseases. According to the nature of disease, decoctions, oils, ghee or milk are managed into the rectum and this has incredible positive effects. This treatment is to a great degree powerful against Vata-dominated conditions, such as arthritis, piles, joint pain, Spine problems, Paralysis, Infertility, Vata disorders, constipation etc.


This treatment is extremely effective in clearing and purging the head area. At the beginning of the treatment, the head and shoulder areas are given a delicate massage and fomentation. After that, nasal drops are regulated in both the nostrils. This achieves the cleaning of the whole head area and diminishes different sorts of cerebral pain, headache, hair issues, sleep disorder, neurological disorders, sinusitis, chronic rhinitis and respiratory ailments.

Kati Basti

Kati basti is a special type of low back therapy or lumbar therapy. The word Kati stands for low back or waist and basti, for containing or retaining something inside. Kati basti is an Ayurvedic lumbo-sacral rejuvenation therapy using hot oil or herbal decoctions. One can achieve both local oleation and sudation by this procedure. Kati basti treatment is particularly suggested for Chronic backache, Spinal problems, muscles tensions and soreness etc.


Herbal collyrium. Anjana is a paste applied to the inner part of eyelids. It is used to protect eye and maintain good eye health and vision. It is also an effective remedy for many eye disorders and also prevents many diseases related to eye. Useful in Refractive errors, vision problems, Dry eyes, Conjunctivitis, Watery eyes, Computer vision syndrome, Eye strain, Cataract, Glaucoma, Night blindness, Stiffness and roughness of the eye etc.


Shirodhara (Shiro – Head, Dhara – Flow) is considered as the most divine of all Ayurvedic therapies. In this wonderful body detox program with relaxation process, the scalp and forehead is caressed with a thin stream of medicated lukewarm oil or Kwatha. Shirodhara treatment is extremely relaxing, rejuvenating and enhances the functioning of the central nervous system. It can be used to treat a variety of conditions including eye diseases, sinusitis, Stress, Insomnia, Irritability, Epilepsy, Delayed milestones and memory loss. This is one of the most divine therapies which help in awakening your body’s intuitive knowledge.

Hridaya Basti

Hrid Basti in Sanskrit refers to Hridaya, the heart and Basti, the container or retainer. This is also called as Urobasti (Uro=chest and basti=retaining something inside).  So Hrid Basti is an oil bath on the heart. This suggests an Ayurvedic hot oil treatment where the medicated hot oil preparation or freshly prepared herbal decoction is poured over the heart region. Hridaya, the heart is considered as one among the trimarma (three vital areas) measuring about four fingers (four anguli pramana), covering heart, middle of sternum. This procedure is bathing the heart region using warm medicated oils or herbal decoctions or medicated ghee depending on the condition. Pacification of vata dosha aggravated in chest region, nourishes & strengthens heart muscles, regulates cardiac functions, improves blood circulation etc.


Udvartana is a treatment based on powders composed of minerals, herbs and medicinal species. Then, Udvartana massage stimulates the metabolic process. So, the use of powders, either dry or applied after oil massage, has a mild dermis-abrasive effect, ideal for removing impurities and treating stains and eruptions. Liquefies and mobilizes the stagnant morbid meda (fat), Rejuvenates the skin and brings freshness in it, Alleviates foul smell and heaviness of the body, Removes drowsiness, brings freshness, Opens up the blocked channels, blood vessels and transport systems of the body and enables free circulation of nutrients and essentials in the body ,Provides good shine and complexion.

Body Message

The ayurvedic oil massage — is an integral part of the daily routine recommended by this healing system for overall health and well-being. A traditional ayurvedic text was eloquent on the benefits. Here’s what one says — “Give yourself a full-body oil massage on a daily basis. It is nourishing; pacifies the doshas; relieves fatigue; provides stamina, pleasure and perfect sleep; enhances the complexion and the luster of the skin; promotes longevity; and nourishes all parts of the body.” Very useful in Muscle pain, spasm, fatigue, stress, improve mood, headache etc.


Swedana is a steam treatment explained in Ayurvedic medical science. The word Sweda is derived from Sanskrit  swid,  meaning ‘to sweat or to perspire’. So swedana is the process of inducing sweat with the help of steam, generated from medicated herbal decoctions. It is the pre- procedure in various Ayurvedic detox therapies where the objective is to dilate the channels of the body to detach the toxins from the tissues. Ayurvedic fomentation is usually given after an oil massage. This treatment is especially valuable in Stress, skin health, stiffness in joints, obesity, improve breathing etc.


HERBAL BANDAGE, This treatment is a traditional method of healing neuro-muscular ailments. This technique is very effective in conditions related to the joints, muscles and nerves. It restores the normal function of the tissues of the body and mobility of the joints. It is very useful for low back pain, stiff neck, tennis elbow, helps in stabilization of joints, reduces pain and swelling, Osteoarthritis, frozen shoulders and in all arthritic conditions.

Viddha Karma

Ayurveda has blessed us with multiple, effective and harmless treatments and medications. Viddha Karma is one of the eight Shastrakarma as defined in Sushrut Samhita. Viddha Karma also known as Vedhan; is treatment of puncturing or piercing certain points that reduces pain. It acts as pain reliever by releasing Endorphin that helps to reduce pain in body. This is how it can be explained in contemporary Medical language. Pain in joints, muscles, headache, hair loss, taste loss, rhinitis etc.

Uttar Basti

Uttar Basti is an important Panchakarma procedure for the genito–urinary disorders of both, males and females. The therapy involves administration of a specific medicinal oil, ghrita or decoction into the urinary bladder or uterus. In this procedure medicine is instilled in the Uterus in females per vagina or in the bladder in males and females per urethra. All aseptic precautions are followed. Very useful in Urinary infections, Prostate enlargement, painful urination, Kidney stones, Infertility, Menstrual diseases etc.

Netra Tarpan

The medicated ghee is poured over the eyelids in an enclosure built around the eye out of wheat flour. It is said to be an excellent treatment to improve vision and clarity of the mind. This treatment aims to provide optimum rejuvenation to eyes. Dough of Urad (black gram) is put around the eye ball in such a way that a dam like appearance is seen. Then herbal healing ghee (clarified butter) is put in this groove to lubricate the eye and surrounding areas which will be kept warm for 30 – 35 minutes. This provides improved vision with beautiful eyes and strengthening of eye tissues

Manya Basti

Manya / Greeva Basti means a treatment in which medicated oils are poured and pooled for a fixed duration of time in a compartment or a cabin constructed over the neck or nape of the neck (back side of the neck) area using wet flour of black gram, covering the cervical region (nape of the neck / over the neck bones). Useful in Pain in neck, shoulders & hands, stiffness of neck, headache, dizziness etc.


Agni Karma is ideal for curing ailments such as sprains, heel pain, headaches, sciatica and arthritis. According to Ayurveda, Agnikarm is a superior para surgical procedure. This procedure aims at management of various afflictions by inflicting burns on the tissue surface directly by using different materials known as ‘Dahanopakaranas’(tools of cauterization).


This treatment is useful for cleaning of blood and viable against ailments caused because of impure blood. It can be done in a particular area or for the whole body. This treatment is especially valuable in different skin infections, such as psoriasis, dermatitis Pimples, Vitiligo and furthermore in local lesions such as abscesses and pigmentation.


Exclusively used for skin application. Very useful in leucoderma, to increase the density of hair in scalp area, to decrease the burning sensation, osteoarthritic pain, Herpes, sinusitis, reduce localized swelling etc.

Nadi Sweda

Nadii is the nozzle of a tube. In Nali Sweda, a Nali is used to focus medicated steam on the disease-afflicted body part. The continuous stream of steam slowly opens up the pores on the skin and gently directs the excess doshas accumulated in the system to a central location for expulsion.
First, the specific part of the body to be treated is massaged with an oil prepared from herbs and plant derivatives. A herbal mix is boiled inside a steamer to generate steam, which is then directed towards the body carefully, ensuring that it doesn’t burn the skin. The procedure is continued till the patient starts sweating.
Vata- and Kapha-related disorders can be cured using this therapy. Nali Sweda is very effective in the treatment of backaches and muscle spasms, Joint pains, Osteopotic diseases, Spondolotic changes.

Purvakarma: Pre-purification Measures

Before the actual operation of purification begins, there is a need to prepare the body with prescribed methods to encourage it to let go of the toxins. These two procedures are snehan and svedana. Snehan is the oil massage. Oil is applied to the entire body with a particular type of massage that helps the toxins to move towards the gastrointestinal tract. Oil massage also makes the superficial and deep tissues soft and supple, thus helping to remove stress and nourish the nervous system. Snehan is given daily for three to seven days, as indicated.

Svedana is sudation or sweating and is given every day immediately following the snehan. An herbal concoction may be added to the steam to further loosen the toxins from the individual. Svedana liquefies the toxins and increases the movement of toxins into the gastrointestinal tract. After three to seven days of snehan and svedana, the doshas become well “ripened.” A particular panchakarma method is then given according to the individual’s constitution and disorderprakruti and vikruti, respectively.

Five Basic Shodanas: Cleansing Methods

  • Vamana: therapeutic vomiting or emesis
  • Virechan: purgation
  • Basti: enema
  • Nasya: elimination of toxins through the nose
  • Rakta Moksha: detoxification of the blood
Pinda Sweda:

Pinda Sweda

Pinda Sweda is one of the most important sudation therapies used in Panchakarma. During the treatment, various parts of the patient’s body are uniformly massaged with oil. Then massaged with a linen bundled Shashtika Rice Pottali dipped in a special medicated milk.
This treatment is prescribed for a variety of ailments, especially for disorders related to Vata deficiencies. Including Knee pain, varicosity, Neck pain etc.

Upanaha Sweda

Upanaha Sweda involves applying medicinal mixtures on the disease-affected body part of the patient and leaving it undisturbed for an extended period of time.

After cleaning and preparing the area for receiving treatment, the patient is made to settle in a comfortable position for the procedure. The body part is carefully massaged with warm herbal oil and medicated pastes, and covered with bandages or leaves. The medicine is left on the body for a long duration, 12 hours usually. It is then washed away with herbs and lukewarm water. The therapy must be continued for at least two to three days. This procedure aids in the treatment of inflammation-related issues like boils, abscess etc.

Patra Pottali sweda

Patra means ‘leaf’, and in this sudation therapy, a herbal concoction made from leaves is used to soothe the disease-affected areas of patients. Medicinal leaves are chopped, mixed with medicated oils, and placed in a piece of cloth to make a fist-sized pottali or linen bundle. The herbal contents of pottali are decided based on the symptoms exhibited by the patient. This warm poultice is massaged on the patient to induce sweat. The herbal extracts and oils permeate into the skin and soothe the vitiated dosha.

Patrasweda helps in the treatment of joint- and circulation-related ailments, Muscular spasms  and Vata-based disorders

Janu Basti

The Janu means Knee joint and Basti – means to hold (compartment which holds)

Thus Janu Vasti means a treatment in which medicated oils are poured and pooled for a fixed duration of time in a compartment or a cabin constructed around the knee joint / joints using wet flour of black gram.

It helps in stiffness and pain in Knee joint.  Also improves the mobility of the knee joints.It is recommended in treatment of Osteoarthritis,of knee joints,Osteoporosis, Arthrosis and chronic pain of the knee joint