Benefits of Barley


Botanical name-Hordeum vulgare


Rasa– Kashay (Astringent), Madhur (Sweet)

Vipaka– Madhur

Virya– Sheeta (Cold)

Guna– Ruksha, Laghu

Doshghnata– Kapha, Pittahara.

Synonyms: Satu, Jav, Yav, Sitshuk, Tikshnashuk, Vajipriya, Shuchi

Shukarahit yav- Atiyav

Harityav- Tokma

Best to use: Raw or Hulled Barley

Properties: Balya, Vrushya, Varnya, Deepan, Vranaropaka, Medhya

Yava Peya– To increase weight.

Barley was one of the favorite food of Lokamanya Tilak, Barley roti was his routine diet.

Yav satv is very useful to reduce Blood sugar level, Diuretic, blood purifier, hyperacidity, obesity, Diabetes, Anemia, excessive thirst, Rheumatism.

Yavkshar whole plant (before fruiting) used to prepare kshar. Yavakshar is useful in flatulence, abdominal pain, Ascites, Hyperactivity, BPH (prostate), Burning urination, Asthma, Kidney Stone, Amlapitta , to raise Hb, Yavakshar is useful in gall stone, Hepatitis. Increase the liquidity of Pitta, Reduce abdominal pain alleviates bile duct inflammation. (under supervision).

Weight Loss: soluble fiber (beta-glucan – most effective type of fiber for reducing appetite and food intake – enhances feelings of fullness.

Tummy Tucking: soluble fiber may target belly fat associated with metabolic disease.

LDL cholesterol

Beta-glucans – reduce “bad” LDL cholesterol by binding to bile acids(produced by liver from cholesterol & excreted via feces) hence lowering the amount of cholesterol circulating in blood.(In one small study, men with high cholesterol were put on a diet rich in whole wheat, brown rice or barley. After five weeks, those given barley reduced their cholesterol levels by 7% more than participants on the other two diets.)


Improves HDL cholesterol and reduce triglyceride levels the most.

SCFAs produced when healthy gut bacteria feed on soluble fiber may help prevent cholesterol production as well, further reducing cholesterol level.

Heart Health:

Recent review of randomized control studies observed that an average intake of 8.7 grams of soluble fiber per day may be linked to a modest 0.3–1.6 mmHg reduction in blood pressure. High blood pressure and high LDL cholesterol are two known risk factors for heart disease. Thus, reducing them may protect your heart ( fiber, potassium,folate, and vitamin B6 content, lack of cholesterol helps a lot)

Blood vessels (Vitamin B6 and folate prevent the buildup of homocysteine which damage blood vessels)

Blood pressure (potassium,calcium, and Magnesium helps lowering it)

Dibetes 2

Rich magnesium content- Lowers blood sugar levels and improves insulin secretion.

Soluble fiber – binds with water as it moves through digestive tract, slowing down the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream.

In another study, participants with impaired fasting glucose were given either oatmeal or barley flakes daily. After three months, fasting blood sugar and insulin levels decreased by 9–13% more for those eating barley.

Digestion and Bowel regularity

Insoluble fiber — adds bulk to your stool and accelerates intestinal movement, reducing your likelihood of constipation Soluble fiber – provides food for friendly gut bacteria which in turn, produceshort-chain fatty acids. SCFAs help feed gut cells, reducing inflammation and improving symptoms of gut disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis

Prevent Gallstones

Insoluble fiber- prevent formation of gallstones so likelihood of gallbladder surgery. (16-year observational study, women with the highest amounts of fiber intake were 13% less likely to develop gallstones requiring gallbladder removal. This benefit appears to be dose-related, as every 5-gram increase in insoluble fiber intake dropped gallstone risk by around 10%).

Prevent colon cancer

Insoluble fiber – reduce the time to clear  gut so protective against colon cancers. Soluble fiber may bind to harmful carcinogens in gut, removing them from your body. Other compounds — including antioxidants, phenolic acids and saponins — slow its development.

Bone health (Iron, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, manganese and zinc)

Cancer (Selenium – plays a role in liver enzyme function and helps detoxify some cancer-causing compounds, prevent inflammation )

Inflammation (Choline – sleep, muscle movement, learning, and memory, maintain the structure of cellular membranes, aids in the transmission of nerve impulse.