About Me:

Dr Ankita has completed M.D. in Ayurveda & pursuing her Ph. D. in the same. She learned Ayurveda through “Gurukul Parampara” for 6 years. She also did internships with different legendary personalities from Ayurveda. Dr. Ankita has proficiency in women and children health, lifestyle oriented diseases, Detoxification procedures and Garbha Sanskara. She has also dedicatedly served covid 19 patients and postcovid complications. Best part of her consultations is her friendliness towards patients which helps them build up confidence. Her approach “kitchen is the best pharmacy” is most appreciated by patients around the world. One of her speciality includes Ayurvedic medicines preparation. This imparts the authentic standard and customised medicinal preparation at this clinic.

1) Medicine: Authentic, standardize and individualistic Ayurvedic medicine preparation is our specialty. We believe every individual is different and special. At our clinic, all ayurvedic medicines formulations like medicated oils, medicated ghee, different ayurvedic wines, Asava, Arishtas, Ayurvedic powders, tablets, Guggulu, granules, Shatavari Kalpa, Chyavanaprasha etc. are prepared under the expert guidance of Dr. Ankita & Dr. Abhijeet Shirkande.

2) Standardized Medicine: Standardization of ayurvedic medicine is always questioned. This has been answered optimistically by team VishwAngad. Norms regarding raw material, standard operating procedure and analysis of finished ayurvedic medicines are well set out in the manufacturing unit. Shelf life of all products checked regularly to enhance efficiency.

3) Traditional Ayurveda remedies: We trust time tested Ayurvedic formulations from ancient texts like Charak Samhita, Ashtang Hriday, Bhaishajya Ratnavali etc. Use of proprietary medicines is quite restricted and used only in special situations. Local seasonal and cultural healing approaches are well practiced.

Chief Consultant: Shree VishwAngad Ayurveda, Panchakarma & Yoga Center 


Honorary Consultant: Dharmi Hospital, Pen, Raigad


Associate Professor: Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Ayurved & Research Center, Pune


Secretary – International Academy of Ayurved

Personal Info

Dr Ankita is basically from Wani, Yavatmal, Maharashtra. She has done her B.A.M.S. from Shree Ayurved College, Nagpur and post graduation from Pune. from her internship she started learning Ayurveda with Gurukul Parampara from Dr. Sameer Jamdagni. She also enjoyed learning with Dr. Gogate Sir, Dr. Shailesh Malekar. 

She married Dr. Abhijeet in 2012 and started working as chief consultant in Shree VishwAngad Ayurved, Panchakarma & Yoga Clinic. Just after completion of her masters she joined the Ayurveda teaching institute and started sharing practical Ayurveda.      

She has been a recognised graduate teacher since 2014 and post graduate teacher since 2020. Best part of this story is Dr. Ankita & Dr. Abhijeet Shirkande jointly shoulder the responsibility at home as well as at work.

She has been working as secretary of International Academy of Ayurveda since 2018. She is pursuing her Ph.D. in women’s health and ayurvedic diet. Her Ayurveda superfood series is one of the novel & best loved concept.

She is the mother of two beautiful kids Yuvna & Yadnyeya.

Invited as a guest speaker around the world and presented papers at many international conferences. Her paper received the best paper presentation award 2013.

She is the author of three books and research articles published in impactful journals. Students from India and overseas enjoy her Ayurveda teaching.